Friday, 7 September 2012 - , , , , , , 0 comments

SOMETHING FOR NOTHNG : Strawberry Swirly Stuff

I've been buying lots of strawberries lately...
For the launch of the October Weight Watchers(UK) Magazine, I celebrated at my Weight Watchers meeting.
In Slice-of-Slim Land, a celebration ALWAYS involves Chocolate-dipped Strawberries!
(Click HERE for how to make them).

Anyway, as it's nearing the end of the Summer and it's been such a wet one, I found that some of the strawberries I bought were a little mushy and soft. Rather than discard them, I decided to make something with this is a loose strawberry 'jam' type mixture. It's perfect for swirling into porridge or fruit salads for sweetening, or for spreading on toast.
For zero propoints, it's a useful little recipe.

You will need:
Soft, Over ripe strawberries
Artificial granular sweetener
A little water


Pop all of the soft, squelchy strawberries into a small saucepan with the artificial sweetener to taste, and a tiny amount of water. Bring to the boil and allow to cook for 30-40 minutes, then cool. Squash the cooked fruits with the back of a spoon to break them down a little.
The natural pectin in the strawberries sets it to some extent, although it's not as thick as jam - more like a syrup/coulis texture. You can sieve the mixture, but I like it to retain the character of the strawberries, so I leave it with chunks of fruit in it.

We had it swirled into some cooked porridge for breakfast. Then I added some fresh strawberries on the top followed by a little cold milk. (I like soya or almond milk on mine). It's a delicious combination - so comforting and sweet to wake up to.

The mixture is really yummy drizzled over fruit salad. It would also make a great base for a fruit smoothie.
You could serve it as a hot sauce for frozen yoghurt or ice cream...the possibilities are endless!




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