Tuesday, 18 September 2012 - 3 comments

CUPBOARD LOVE : Wheatberries

I thought I would introduce you to this find, as I have an interesting recipe coming up later in the week which uses these delicious wheatberries.


Wheatberries are the whole wheat grain, so are rich in fibre and make a lovely change from rice or pasta. They have a really creamy texture and nutty flavour.

If cooked with stock or something tasty, they absorb and benefit hugely from the added flavours.
They remind me of a cross between brown rice and large, toasted cous-cous. (One of my absolute favourite ingredients).
Propoint value-wise, they work out slightly less than brown rice as they are 4pp for 50g compared to 5pp for the same amount of rice.


If you can't find any, don't fret as my recipe works equally well with brown rice!


Beverley 18 September 2012 at 08:55

I will have to check this out...thank you Janey for posting...love visiting your page. YOu really come up with some great tasting ideas xoxo

Anna's kitchen table 18 September 2012 at 12:17

I've seen them in the supermarkets, but have never tried them...

Janey 18 September 2012 at 12:36

Thanks for your comments girls....hopefully you'll love my recipe and it will inspire you to use these little gems more! xx

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