Friday, 27 April 2012 - , , 0 comments

CUPBOARD LOVE : Warburtons Square-ish Wraps

This is one of my top fave products of all time. I know I mention them frequently in my recipes, but I'm still coming across people who haven't discovered them yet...
and I realised I hadn't honoured them with their own CUPBOARD LOVE spot!
These wraps are 4pp/159 kcal each
or 9pp for two.
( The brown ones are 5pp each).
They have the most delicious, crisp, 'snappy' texture and a rich, biscuity flavour when baked or toasted. They are incredibly versatile and work well with both savoury and sweet ingredients.
They are a very cost-effective component to a recipe. A pack of 6 is around £1.49. They also freeze beautifully.


These wraps are much thicker than the conventional tortilla-style wraps we are all used to....infact funnily enough, I very rarely use them rolled as a traditional wrap, as they are less flexible so don't hold the shape so well. However....they are MAGIC at lots of other shapes and have some very clever qualities once you start experimenting with them!


This post is really a review of all the things I've done with them so far...and I still have quite a few ideas up my sleeve.


So...I introduced them as pizza bases in my very first post...

(Click HERE for link)

...Went on to show you simple folded sandwiches,

(Click HERE for link)

...Then things started getting clever with my
Cornet Wraps post...

(Click HERE for link)

From this... various savoury, sweet and 'breakfast' versions...

...I sneaked some heart-shaped ideas into my Valentines day post...

(Click HERE for link)

...And introduced my gorgeous grissini idea to you. 

(Click HERE for link)

Recently I suggested making them into small square crackers to have with my Egg & Onion recipe...

(Click HERE for link)

Here's a great idea for nibbly snacks-
'twiglets', tortillas and cinnamon sticks
(click HERE for link)


In the meantime, if you want to refer back to any of my recipes, just pop the title you are looking for into the search bar at the very top right of the blog page. They should come straight up for you without you having to sift through everything.


Finally, a cyber message to Warburtons....DON'T STOP MAKING THEM PLEASE!!!


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