Saturday, 5 January 2013 - , , , , 5 comments

FILLING & HEALTHY : Fishcake 'Burgers'

The idea for these delicious gems came to me when I was trying to think of some innovative Filling & Healthy ideas.
These tasty fishcakes are a made from a combination of 3 fish and fragrant fennel, kale and herbs. Mixed with comforting chunks of soft potato, they are then baked between thin layers of roasted butternut squash which act as a 'burger bun'! The topping of lemony golden crumpet crumbs adds a fabulous contrasting crunch.
This technique also stops them from drying out as they don't have a coating like most fishcakes.
You can make these in advance, then pop them in the oven to heat through. You can also freeze the fishcake mixture.


Propoint/Calorie Information 
(if you're not doing a Filling & Healthy Day).

These are really filling and a surprisingly low 3pp/approx.140kcal each.
You can have two for 6pp/approx.280kcal.


You Will Need : (For 8 Fishcake 'Burgers')

1-2 Butternut Squash
115g Salmon Fillet
115g Cod Fillet
100g Smoked Haddock Fillet
200ml Unsweetened Soya Milk
1 Bulb of Fennel
1 Medium Egg
200g Potato, peeled and cubed
A Generous Handful of chopped Kale
Fresh Herbs -eg. Basil, Parsley, Dill
Black and White Pepper
1 teaspoon Low-Salt Soy Sauce

Crumpet Breadcrumbs made with 2 Crumpets
(Click HERE for recipe)
Lemon Zest and Dried Herbs


Start by peeling the butternut squash with a vegetable peeler, then cut into thin slices about 2-3mm thick. You will need 16 slices (2 per 'burger').
Mist with some Frylight oil (or Olive oil from your Filling & Healthy allowance).
Roast at 200 degrees centigrade for 30 minutes until turning a toasted colour.

While the butternut squash is roasting, put the fish and the herbs into a large, deep frying pan with the soya milk. 

Add the fennel and poach for 10-15 minutes.
Remove the fish and allow to cool enough to handle.
Save the fennel-infused milk. (You can use it another day to make a delicious white sauce).

In a separate pan, cook the potato and kale for 15-20 minutes. Drain well.

Take each piece of poached fish and flake gently by hand, checking for any stray bones. Remove any skin.

Combine with the potato, kale and egg. Season with pepper and soy sauce.

Add lots more chopped fresh herbs of your choice. Mix gently, keeping the fish chunky.

When you are ready to serve the 'burgers', simply weigh the fish mixture into 8 even quantities. Form fishcake patties and pop each one on a roasted butternut squash slice. 

Top with a second slice of roasted butternut squash. Press down gently.

 Season the crumpet breadcrumbs with lemon zest and herbs and divide equally over the 'burgers'.

Bake for 10-15 minutes at 200 degrees centigrade until piping hot and crispy.
Serve with a simple green salad dressed with some balsamic vinegar or lime juice.


A burger like no other!




(Not for Filling & Healthy days).
You could use the butternut squash 'burger bun' technique to house a real homemade beef burger, then top with slices of onions fried in Frylight oil and fresh tomatoes. There's something about the colour and shape of the butternut squash that convinces our brains it's a real burger!


seenthelight 5 January 2013 at 17:14

these look delicious. Shall be trying eventually...

Janey 5 January 2013 at 18:04

Oh Good! Lovely to hear from you xxx

Sarah Lienard 6 January 2013 at 22:29

I've just found your blog and you have some really fantastic recipes, will be giving them a go soon! I love fishcakes and I love burgers, so this one is definitely a winner with me!!

Janey 6 January 2013 at 22:32

Oh great Sarah! Thanks for the lovely comment....I think you'd like my Ultimate TV dinner then- Fish Pie in a mug! Make sure you look it up! xx

Unknown 9 January 2013 at 06:11
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