Sunday, 16 December 2012 - , , , , , 1 comments

RECIPE : Crumpet Breadcrumbs

Because my background is in Graphic Design, I'm used to working within parameters. When given a design brief, it's very common to have a limited use of colour on a project due to costs, or have to fit a whopping great barcode onto something while trying to retain the integrity of your original design.


 So...when faced with the list of NoCount/Filling and Healthy Foods on the Weight Watchers plan, I embrace the challenge of exploiting those ingredients- by making them do what I want them to do for me!
When I noticed that crumpets were on this list, instead of thinking of them purely as "crumpets for toasting", I saw that there was a great deal of potential in them as a versatile and interesting ingredient. I realised that I could turn them into savoury breadcrumbs for coating other ingredients, and even for sweet or savoury crumble toppings!

If you have ever used Panko breadcrumbs- a very expensive Japanese version, you will see the resemblance, as crumpets also make beautiful, light, airy, uneven crumbs with a deliciously crunchy texture.
My crumpet version are also very reasonably priced.


This recipe gives you the instructions for making the basic breadcrumbs. I have a few tasty ideas which will follow over the next few weeks, which use these amazing little gems!



 Depending on the amount you want, the ratio I use is:

4 Crumpets
1 teaspoon Olive Oil (optional)
This makes approx. 110g of breadcrumbs.

On the NoCount/Filling & Healthy Day these are 'free' foods. For Smartpoint/Propoint tracking, it will depend on the brand of crumpets you use,so you will have to calculate according to your brand.
The oil is 2sp/1pp per teaspoon.

Place the untoasted crumpets into a food processor.

'Pulse' blend until they are the consistency you want. I like them quite uneven.

If you want them very dry and brittle, pop them onto baking parchment on a baking tray at this stage. Otherwise, add a teaspoon or 1pp of sprayed olive oil. This will make the breadcrumbs extra golden and crunchy.

Spread evenly in a single layer onto baking parchment. Place on a metal baking tray. Bake at 180 degrees centigrade for 15-20 minutes until lightly toasted and dried out.

Once baked, they will turn this lovely, light golden colour.

Use immediately, or allow to cool completely before storing in an airtight container. They will store for 3-4 days like this. Don't worry if they lose their crunchiness slightly, as they will regain it once rebaked.


So far, I've used these in 2 savoury dishes;

Chicken Goujons where the crumbs are seasoned with black pepper and herbs...

...Baked Fishcakes with a crumble topping seasoned with herbs and lemon zest....

...and for fruit crumbles, sweetened and flavoured with cinnamon and nutmeg spices.


Crumbs Away!


Alia parker 18 December 2020 at 10:15

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