SOMETHING FOR NOTHING : Courgette Salad with Garlic & Lime Juice

Sometimes the simplest foods are the best.
Raw courgette is pretty bland and flavourless, but with the addition of some citrus juices and garlic flavours, it transforms into a fabulous salad than will blow your socks off! This zero propointed salad
literally takes 5 minutes to prepare and is a robust, filling and delicious accompaniment to any grilled meat or fish.


Using a julienne peeler, julienne raw courgettes into thin strips. Only slice down to the seeds, but try not to waste the centres-retain them for soups or stews. Add freshly pressed garlic and the juice of lime, lemon or both. Mix well (I use my hands- much easier to coat everything thoroughly). Tons of freshly ground black pepper and you're ready to go!



The acidity in the lime or lemon juice will 'cook' or soften the raw courgette, so don't add the juice until a few minutes before serving, or it will go soggy.


Ally 22 July 2012 at 16:26

5 minutes to something luscious! Awesome! xo Ally

Janey 22 July 2012 at 18:18

Thanks Ally-yes it is truely luscious! x

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