Sunday, 9 February 2014 - , , 0 comments

CUPBOARD LOVE : Muller Light Yoghurts

I'm sure many of you will already know and love these yoghurts. They are only 2pp/99kcal for a generous individual pot and come in some delicious flavours. I picked my favourites to show you-Banana & Custard, Orange sprinkled with chocolate and…

my total favourite-Turkish Delight sprinkled with chocolate! 


The flavour is great if, like me, you have a sweet tooth. I find the consistency quite runny but this is then fabulous poured over fruit salad or drizzled into porridge for breakfast. The pots contain a large amount so you can split the contents throughout the day over a couple of meals.


This year, my Valentines recipe will include the Turkish Delight variety so if this sounds like your cup of tea, get some in! 




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